28 March 2009


Damn. I stayed up real late for this one huh. But it's been a while, so that justifies it. :)


21 March 2009

Character #17

Unusual time of day to be submitting I know. But I figure I should really get down to some serious work tonight. Trying anyway.

Thesis proposal is not far off...


8 March 2009


Zombified. Weekends are for sleeping in.

マジ眠たい~ (._.)


6 March 2009

Creature #2

I... accidentally unloaded my wallet a rather hefty bit today. Just stocking up on some 'essential' items.


5 March 2009


Thus ends another night, and almost another week.

For those who haven't noticed, the recent mecha sketch submissions are pretty much "Part II" to my random archives of mecha.


4 March 2009

Reset The World [Concept Series]: VL-hk01m + TRB-ep08m

Alrighty, some news first off. I decided to shutdown my art group due to the fact it was not being actively used. Until I perhaps find a need for it again, it will lie dormant as it should.

So that being said, I'm porting over my Reset The World concept series to my blog here. For those who haven't seen what its about on over at the art group previously, it's pretty much a more organised connection of illustrations that I will be producing, with some story-like substance behind. Most of the concepts will be mecha/machine based so don't expect any fancy human characters. :)

Here's my original first contribution to the series, the VL-hk01m:

And one I just finished today, the TRB-ep08m:

And stepping back into normal everyday life for a moment... I consume too much energy drink for my own good.


1 March 2009

Blog Re-design + Speed Paint #1

The funny thing is, I feel like I have so much spare time on my hands. And so with that oblivious thought I decided to freshen up the blog a little.

To top it off, I've decided that Adobe Elements is a worthy stripped down version of Photoshop and can equally deliver (as far as painting goes anyway). So I'll be starting a new speed paint section with the blobs of paint I throw frantically over the blank canvas when I'm frustrated.

I lack motivation in a certain area however...
