2 February 2008


So ladies and gentlemen... I have great pleasure in presenting my new and improved (not forgetting the alarmingly high cool factor as well) blog design!

It took yonks to actually draw the cover you see up there. I put some thought into it prior and thought I should incorporate my aim for expertise eventually as an artist. If you can't tell from the cover then I'll elaborate. For those who know me fairly well, they would know I am quite a specialist when it comes to mecha, so that is pretty much my forte. Now from here onwards I'm making an active effort to also improve / make consistent my character/figure/anatomy drawing skills. Monsters and creatures also come into the picture as another point of focus but to a lesser extent. And that's pretty much it.

And well, as for the title change... I don't really know. I just felt I was using this blog predominantly as a visual brain dump so far and yeah I suppose that's reason.

Before I forget, I'd also like to say a thank you to Kiyo for keeping up with my insane penguin-rolling antics during the design phase of this new cover.

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