27 November 2007

Being 'Professional'

Was supposed to post yesterday but I had the energy drained out of me.

So I officially started work yesterday.
I have to get up at around 6.15am each day, shoot out of the door at 6:45am for bus then training it to Fremantle before jumping on yet another bus. That's one and a half hours worth of transportation time.
Oh and I still feel awkward wearing a formalish getup everyday, doesn't feel like me.
Lots of names to remember. Lots.
I have my own office space, desk, telephone - with a number specifically assigned for me, computer, the works...
Sandwich shop down the road along the nice coastal strip.
Again lots of names to remember - and other things too as time progresses.

Oh and I did run into Mr. Johnny King from high school yesterday. Haven't seen him since... well high school! Looked like a seasoned mechanic!

Ok . Assuming that was still interpretable, I shall go sleep now.


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