27 September 2007

Yet another job interview

Strange how despite making myself look like an airhead several times during the interview I had today, the nice human resources manager rang me up twenty minutes later after the interview, saying in short, "You got the job. Call us to confirm."

Dumbfounded. Simply dumbfounded...

23 September 2007


I should really stop sleeping so late.
Confounded operating systems project, haven't even started yet...


11 September 2007


LAN @ Stuv's tomorrow, hurray!

A drawing a day... Pfft, yeah right kiyo. :P


9 September 2007


It's been a while. Might get some more art in next week since its mid-sem break. :D
Playing the DS whenever I can, Final Fantasy III seems neat so far!
Otherwise, work-work...


1 September 2007

Yoko - Gurren Lagann

Haven't drawn for bloody ages! So here's a shoddy attempt at Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (super-nosebleed alert).

Glad Lil liked my present I sent her. I didn't think express post delivered so fast, but I guess that's the purpose of 'express'.
