24 August 2007

Art Hiatus

Oh yes. I have been fuming mad lately because of several reasons:

1. First and foremost, the R4 flash-cart I ordered for my NDS Lite almost like THREE weeks ago still hasn't arrived.
2. Despite getting my HORI screen protector from Zheng today, the damned thing attracted air bubbles and dust pieces like crazy! Only the top screen film could be salvaged. The bottom is still there, but has an ugly scratch mark on it.
3. The UWA Virtual Universe Project is going to literally EAT all my spare time I would usually art with, leaving me no option but to go cold turkey on the tablet. (I should be doing more 3D modeling...)
4. I need to send off some more applications to other engineering companies for vacation work.
5. I need more money, hence I need to clock up more work hours, sleep more.
6. I NEED more sleep. Easier said than done.
7. Software Engineering Design mid-semester exam next week.
8. And the general feeling of feeling... well... mad!

Thus, I am not able to draw as often as I used to. T_T


12 August 2007


Been a while. Was quite ill yesterday and the day before for some reason, but I'm a better now. Still waiting on that delivery...


3 August 2007

Pchat RPG v.1

Paintchatting with Lil again, since she broke out of her NDS addiction xD.
She drew the mage on the left, I'm the lancer dude on the right.

On other news, I might need to brush up my website design skills for the CSSE dept.
Not too happy about the preliminary page I put up for them.
